Installation – Smart AC Control

Compatible with air-to-air heat pumps and air conditioning systems including a remote control that displays the current settings

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Your step-by-step instructions: Smart AC Control

Please note that this is a simplified version of the instructions and not all the details are included: Please use only the installation assistant in the tado° app to install your tado° devices.

Step 1: Register the device

Scan the QR code on your tado° product with the tado° app. This will guide you step-by-step through the installation process.

Step 2: Connect to Wi-Fi

Connect your Smart AC Control to the internet using your smartphone.

Step 3: Set up and test with your air conditioning system

Point your remote control towards the Smart AC Control and press the On/Off button. You can then test how you air conditioning system responds to different commands in the app.

Step 4: Position the device

The tado° Smart AC Control can be mounted on the wall. You can also buy the tado° Stand so that you can place your device on a table or a surface of your choice. The most important thing is that the Smart AC Control is in direct line of sight of the air conditioning system and not too far away.

You can buy your Starter Kit here.

Convinced? Then why not take a Smart AC Control home with you? It is available directly from our online shop or from retailers.