How Balance optimizes your heating:
Optimization based on energy price
Balance works with various tariff types to optimize your heat pump's efficiency. Whether you have time-of-use rates, peak / off-peak pricing, or another tariff structure, Balance adjusts your heat pump's operation to take advantage of the lowest rates during the day. This ensures that you save money while maintaining comfort.
Optimization based on temperature
Balance keeps your home comfy without wasting energy with this simple hack: if temperatures are slightly higher, your heat pump can heat up your home using much less energy. Balance continuously monitors outdoor temperatures and forecasts to shift your heat pump's operation towards higher outdoor temperatures.
Optimization based on PV energy
Balance intelligently manages your heat pump to use the energy generated by your photovoltaic system, reducing your reliance on the grid and lowering your energy bills. It forecasts PV power production based on your individual PV system and the weather forecast to shift heating to times when your PV produces electricity whenever possible.