Scientifically proven: With tado° you save up to 28% energy when heating

Confirmed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in 2022

Why was this study conducted?

An independent and scientifically proven study from the Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics provides you with confidence that tado products can save energy. The Fraunhofer Society is the world's leading organization for application-oriented research.

What was examined in the study?

The study compared heating controlled by conventional thermostats with tado° Smart Thermostats under the same external conditions.

In the study, different living situations were examined in order to include apartments in multi-family houses as well as single-family houses. The different ages of buildings were also taken into account.

What were the results?

The core result is: With tado°, energy savings of up to 28% are possible. Because with tado° you only heat when and where it is necessary and do not waste any energy.

Some tado° functions have a particularly large impact on energy savings when heating. These savings potentials have been proven in detail:


up to 23% energy savings

tado° turns the temperature down when nobody is at home.

Weather Adaptation:

up to 6% energy savings

tado° integrates the local weather conditions and adjusts the heating accordingly.


up to 12% energy savings

tado° detects open windows and pauses the heating.

tado°: energy efficiency, scientifically proven

As a provider of solutions for intelligent heating control, it is important to us to provide independent scientific proof of efficiency. That's why we had a study carried out under realistic conditions. The results are publicly accessible and available for download.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics finds: Smart Thermostats from tado° save up to 28% heating energy.
So you can be sure that your investment in tado° Smart Thermostats will pay off.

With tado° you can be confident that your Smart Thermostats will deliver savings.

As intelligent as they are efficient: Smart thermostats from tado°

Get your Starter Kit now and start saving up to 28% of energy straight away.

Interested in the details?

Here you can find the official report of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Report 579 (2022).


How can I achieve up to 28% savings on my heating consumption?

Exactly how much heating energy you can save depends on various factors, e.g. your heating system, the structural condition of your home and your heating behaviour.

tado° helps you to maximize savings by not heating your home and/or individual rooms unnecessarily. Intelligent schedules, consideration of your location and the local weather forecast and other smart features support you in this.

How much energy do tado° users save on average?

tado° internal data shows that existing users save on average 22% of heating energy.

At the top of the page, you have listed the individual savings potentials. Altogether that's more than 28%, right?

Yes, that's right. That's because the savings potentials of the different functions can't simply be added up, because they can influence each other.

For example: thanks to the Geofencing, your tado° app knows when residents are in the house or apartment and when they are not. So the heating is turned down when no one is home. However, if the sun shines into the empty apartment for a few hours, the heating is not turned down as much again, so that energy is not saved to the full extent with both functions at the same time.

How much money can I save with tado°?

The financial saving of a tado° smart thermostat depends on your local price of energy, tariff details and any additional or standing charges. With its Energy IQ skill, tado° provides an estimate of the monthly heating cost and the energy savings delivered through tado°.

28% is not enough for me, I want to save more. What else can I do?

Good question! Here are 8 suggestions that can save additional energy:

  • Bleed the radiators before the start of the season (have it done)
  • Seal windows and doors well
  • Keep doors to unused living spaces closed
  • Keep doors to the pantry, laundry room and basement closed
  • Do not place furniture and curtains close to the heater
  • Keep thermostats clear
  • In the evening, lower the blinds and draw the curtains

    You can also save more energy by equipping as many rooms as possible with smart thermostats. That way, you can adjust them to your routine with individual schedules and don't heat unnecessarily.